182 - You do not know the monster I know
177 - Don't go freaking out and calling for Mom!
163 - A thousand troops of Koopas couldn't keep me from you!
122 - Hello there
119 - Everybody counts, or nobody counts
104 - I’m not a vagrant. I’m a hobo. Big difference
103 - As long as the spice keeps running, everyone will be left alone
102 - You're looking at the guy where secrets go to die
101 - When you’re in my ring, you stick to my script
099 - Get on your phones, scour the internet, and Scooby Doo this sh!t
095 - Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake
094 - Chill with the chilies
076 - To wives and sweethearts. May they never meet
046 - Top 10 TV Shows of 2020
044 - You'll be talking through the window of a bacta tank
043 - Why do you wear that mask?
042 - I'm a simple man making his way through the galaxy
041 - I like firsts. Good or bad, they’re always memorable
040 - I'm what you might call a champagne problem...
039 - Put some tea on. We'll be up in a minute