Dan and Paul catch up on all the things they've been watching, which this week includes: Killing Eve, Ford vs Ferrari, Utopia, Flood, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Fear the Walking Dead and so much more.
Our movie review of the week is the 2019 action adventure move - Alita: Battle Angel, staring Rosa Salazar as Alita, Christoph Waltz as Dr. Ido and Mahershala Ali as Vector. This one is a must watch!
Our peak performances are in for Charlize Theron and Tom Hanks. Plus we have the usual collection of highly curated news stories. What more could you want in a weekly podcast.
Come and have a listen.
This week's episode title is dedicated to Sophie Holland for referring to us as "Creatives in the entertainment industry" in her Instagram post. We loved it.
02m47s | What we've been watching
27m42s | The Walking Dead: World Beyond & Fear the Walking Dead
43m45s | Podcast shoutout: Criterionauts
46m19s | Alita: Battle Angel review
56m47s | News
66m35s | Mailbag
70m07s | Peak Performances - Charlize Theron & Tom Hanks
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